Hopefully members have been receiving the RSCDS weekly emails with news and links to the online RSCDS classes, held on Zoom at 7pm each Wednesday evening ?
It is good to be able to join in with dancers from around the world for the class with a mystery teacher each week, and the fortnightly 'Dance Scottish at Home' (DSAH) email is packed with information, music, puzzles etc to keep everyone interested and amused.
You can watch the classes later (at a time to suit you) using the email link which is sent the following Friday afternoon, or via the RSCDS Headquarters website (www.rscds.org).
If you have not been receiving these emails (or the electronic version of the Dancer magazine, issued recently), it may be that your address is not registered with HQ. If this is the case, please let us know via our Contact Us page and we'll try to sort this out for you.