We're delighted to be able to tell you that Scottish Country Dancing will be returning to next year's Centenary Music Festival, although things will be a little different this year.
Because SCD groups haven't been back dancing long (if at all), the Festival will be putting an emphasis on the dance rather than the dancing. The challenge is for groups to create, submit and demonstrate a dance to celebrate the Festival's Centenary instead of demonstrating published dances.
Full details can be found in the Festival Syllabus, which you can see by clicking here (the SCD Section is on the last couple of pages).
The competition will take place at Merkinch Community Centre on Sat. 26th February, 6.30pm for 7pm.
NB Spectators' places must be booked in advance at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/centenary-dance-competition-tickets-263389855147
26 February 2022
Inverness Music Festival